11 Most common Medicinal plants

11 Most common Medicinal plants

1. Aloe Vera

  1. Constipation
  2. Digestive distress
  3. Acne
  4. poor body immunity

2. Tulsi

  1. It gives you strength
  2. promotes a longer life
  3. treats cough
  4. treats indigestion
  5. anti-cancer
  6. Good for health


  1. Keeps digestive system running
  2. Boosts immunity
  3. Enhances mood
  4. Expel cough from body
  5. Benefits respiratory system
  6. Keep mosquitoes away

4. Fenugreek

  1. Controls cholestrol
  2. Cures hair loss
  3. Increases appetite
  4. Purifies blood
  5. Lowers blood pressure
  6. Beneficial for joints and diabetes


  1. treats cough
  2. Controls cholestrol
  3. Improves digestion
  4. Cures acidity
  5. Prevents bad breath
  6. Improves breast milk in lactating women

6. Coriander

  1. Prevents food from spoiling
  2. Treats in antioxidants
  3. Cures urine retention
  4. Improves your menstural cycle
  5. Treats acne

7. Ginger

  1. Treats indigestion
  2. Eases headache
  3. Controls blood pressure
  4. Treats cold and asthama
  5. Relives menstural pain and cramps

8. Neem

  1. Antiseptic
  2. Boost immunity
  3. Purifies blood

9. Garlic

  1. Protection against cancer
  2. Improves immunity
  3. Balances digestive system
  4. Reduces blood pressure
  5. Reduces cardiovascular pain
  6. Prevention against allergies
  7. Quick relief from toothache and detoxify your body

10. Thyme

  1. Better prevention against food and bacterial borne diseases
  2. Keep away chances of colon cancer
  3. Solution for skin cancer
  4. Quick relief from cough and cold
  5. Relaxing herb by calming down nervous system

11. Tea tree

  1. Tea tree is used for infection of nails and nose
  2. Make persistent body odor
  3. Prevention against head-lice
  4. Quick heal from cuts and wounds
  5. Faster cleaner and make scalp cool
  6. Cure headache and toothache


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